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September 8 2011 4 08 /09 /September /2011 19:12

I adore bright and happy colors and I found a dress I used to wear as a child. So I copied the little designs ( flowers,dots and stars) onto my nails and I loved it! :D

What do you think ?


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This design is about 6 months old (march '11 now: sept '11) and if you compare this design with my very first ones you see a big improvement, don't you think..^^ as i said practice makes perfect.

Even now looking at the pictures make me think, that I could have done it better. I guess me as the actual 'artist' tends to see the imperfections and flaws. But that way you learn how to improve you work and to proceed:) 


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  • : nail-designs
  • : I created this blog to show my passion for nail-designs and how much I like to be creative,but also to inspire the same way I was inspired by others.
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